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Viper1 said:
The rounding of the figures is not required to exemplify the status of the figures as an estimation.

Rounding is a method of simplifying information to ensure easier digestion of said information. It also works as a shortcut for those computing them. I find the fact that Ioi doesn't partake in the shortcuts as a means of care in ensuring figures are as detailed as they can be.

Besides, why approximate something that is already an estimate?

It is not required, you are correct. It however, is a means that is often being used to show that those numbers are estimates. In my work, someone will hit you very hard if you put in a presentation that for a task, 121,322 mandays are estimated.

It is not a means for easier digestion. a number is a number. it is a mean that you yourself admit it is an estimate.

Answer: because it is an estimate. 


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