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Let's break down the numbers, shall we? The average sales for the consoles over the course of this year have been roughly 100,000 Wiis a week vs. 50,000 360s a week in the US. At current rates ceteris paribus, that would give us 11.82 vs 11.16 by the end of June. Meaning we'd need roughly an additional 700,000 units sent to the US over the current average per week over the course of 19 weeks.

Assuming (quite fairly) that February and March are off limits, that leaves us 13 weeks for that extra 700,000 units. Which is roughly 55,000 more units per week from April to June. This is all worst-case scenario, too, where they only just beat the 360 by the end of June and the 360 gets no sales boosts (or drops). A more likely scenario is an extra 975,000 units over the course of that timespan, or 75,000 extra units a week. That would still put the Wii on track to beat the 360 in June, particularly given that the 360 sales have a potential to pick up again once the summer blockbuster games start coming out.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.