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Here's a few questions I'll attempt to answer:

Q: Why must this be crowd-funded?
A: This new indie studio is flat-broke. Also, it's probably hard to convince publishers to back a new survival-horror IP.

Q: Why must this be episodic?
A: Because it's a good idea. This allows for a quicker release schedule, and given how Eternal Darkness had players control different characters throughout the game, each episode could be centered around different characters.

Q: Why should I be interested?
A: The classic-style survival horror genre is in desperate need of revitalization. Man cannot live on Amnesia alone.

Q: Why is this game a Wii U console exclusive?
A: It may very well not be. The initial goal is for release of Wii U and PC, which appeases fans of the GameCube-exclusive original while gaining attention from the indie-loving, crowd-source crazy PC scene. With enough funding, it could certainly release on other platforms. A smart move would be to announce stretch goals - a specific amount of funding requested by the developer in exchange for another version of the game.

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