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BaldrSkies said:
I never really got into Little Big Planet, but I hear this feature is the best aspect of that series. It really should be a feature for Nintendo to work into their platformers as well now that they have somewhat better online integration. You'd probably get some crazy level design similar to the custom edited hardcore Mario ROMs.

Considering how bad the platforming is in LBP (even its sequel) its not suprisingh. Media molecule sacrificed the fun of the main game for the creative features of the game and it takes hours at the very least to produce something enjoyable that isn't a bomb survival in that game.The more fun ones tend to not even be focused on platforming. I want Mario to be fun before its innovative. Especially considering 3D is much harder than 2D. I do think they could consider rereleasing NSMBU with a level editor since they were already experimenting with that coin editor.

My Hummingbird

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