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Kaizar said:
tres said:
Kaizar said:
tres said:
Is Obama the worst president ever as question by the op with a lot of fox drivel statements.

This statement is the answer to all the b.s. this president had to endure from day 1

(Republican)Toomey “In the end it didn’t pass because we’re so politicized. There were some on my side who did not want to be seen helping the president do something he wanted to get done, just because the president wanted to do it,”

There is no more statement that is as indicative of the state of the rapid toxic state of the congressional right.

Obamas problem is hes too freakin nice if that makes him the worst he is

My thoughts exactly.

And I'm glad I'm the only person who notice the Obama is too nice, always trying to give a chance to everybody.

But I think when he came into office that he didn't believe that politician where really that bias & political, but after 2 to 4 years in office he has finally realize that politicians don't care Bout the people and that they only really care about Politics. Better late then never that Obama learns what kind of people all other democrats & republicans & independents really are.

i joke and say i which his name was jerome more than barry.  after the first 2 he should said the hell with them.  i mean come on the republican senate leader said our biggest goal is to make you a one term president.  that doesnt sound like a party that would ever be your friend.  they really dont give a damn about the people of america.  theres only one group that would get stuff done and thats the progressive caucus unfortunately the republican block and corporate shills of the democrap party dont want stuff to happen

its amazing how people in country hate progress

I wish the OP knew that.

Amazing how much people avoid details. I mean so many people try to generalize everything, and I think it's because those kind of people can't handle too much information with their limited memory or something.

And then some people just assume that somehow a executive is just going to be able to whip the rest of the government to do whatever he wants, but it never works like that in real life, as even movies like "Lincoln" has shown people.

we live in a low information nation and thats the problem

drudge makes up news fox repeats this faux news then call it facts then all their minions regurgitate it rinse and repeat.  its a great concept but bad for the country as a whole.

the were plotting from day 1 to overthrow this president.  i dont like dems but i loathe republicans and i used to vote for them go figure.  im quite an independent but the stuff theyve been doing since reagan its been downhill ever since