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CGI-Quality said:

From GeForce:

"The depth of field is impressive here. Notice how the shrubbery up close is blurred out? Furthermore, what appears to be volumetric for appropriately hides the buildings in the background. The textures on the tree are as sharp as its branches."


"If this is a real in-engine screen, the lighting here is out of this world."


"This screen here could be showing DX11's ability to do particl motion blurring as different objects in the image appear to be blurring at differenty intensities. Notice the jumping far creature on the left? His left hand is blurrier than any other part of his body. If this is a real screenshot, the the attention to detail is amazing."


"Could lights on the walls be caused by the dynamic lighting from the explosion?"


"There seems to be lots of graphical effects happening here: dynamic lighting, volumetric fog, advanced epth of field. In addition to that, it just looks really cool."



While some may dismiss these as concept art, it might be worth mentioning that the images were contained within a THQ FTP folder that read "NEW SCREENS FOR GAMESCOM" and not "NEW ART FOR GAMESCOM." If these are actually indeed in-engine screenshots from the game, expect Metro: Last Light to squeeze every ounce out of your graphics card. Even its predecessor, Metro 2033, equipped withDirectX 11TessellationPhysX proved to be quite the GPU-intensive game.

You can verify whether or not these are actual images from the game's proprietary 4A Engine when Metro: Last Light releases later next year.


Judging by the pictures Metro looks better.