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VGChartz numbers are estimates calculated on a sample base. In the end, numbers are shown which are estimates. Sadly, some people dont understand that. And part has to do with what I want to call fake accuracy.


                Sales game X for week: 17,524

                Sales game X LTD: 134,236

Message: I even tracked the copy you picked up at the mom and pop store around the corner.

What many people do to show it is an estimate, is to round the numbers. Round them to maybe 50s or 100s. 


                 Sales game X for week: 17,500

                 Sales game X LTD: 134,250

Message: this is an estimate.

Always keep the "exact" number in the database and calculate sums based on that, as not distort sales over time. But please, do us all a favour and get rid of the fake accuracy. This will help explain to people what this site is about.

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