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mrstickball said:
Did you notice the fact they said that they aren't even working on a PS3 version?

So all of those that want ToV on PS3 should expect to wait absolutely no less than 6 months.

Eternal Sonata's US localisation wasn't too bad as far as I understand, so maybe ToV will be the same way. ToV is probably one of my most-anticipated titles for the year, as I will buy it day one, and so will my girlfriend's 8 year old niece that bought an Xbox 360 souly for Eternal Sonata.

And for those that whine about the X360 not being a good system for JRPGs: Prove otherwise. What RPG has been a massive succuess on either the Wii or PS3 thus far? Last time I checked, neither system have RPGs. It's people like ookaze that keep the X360 from selling JRPGs, as they're waiting for crap to come out on their blessed system rather than buying the system that *gasp* has the best lineup of RPGs, which is obviously the X360 right now.

As long as ToV gest out on PS3, waiting is no problem to me, and I guess to a lot of japanese players too.

To understand how far the XB360 is from the JRPG mindset, you had to quote your niece which is 8 year old as someone that anticipate the release of this game. Which is plain pathetic. Adding to that that someone that buy a XB360 solely for Eternal Sonata would boggle the mind of most XB360 owners.

And even if I didn't say the XB360 is not a good system for JRPG (which doesn't make sense), it clearly does not  have the market for these types of games. They would have to be heavily "westernized" to be successful outside Japan, and then lose their JRPG appeal.

And there is no need to prove anything, the facts are there. DQ Swords, a spin-off of DQ on the lowly Wii, has sold more in Japan than all the JRPG for the XB360 combined. And I hope I have no need to prove that this game cost a fraction of what one of these XB360 games cost to make. Massive success is not needed, not every game is a Final Fantasy or a Dragon Quest, but when you claim to fight these powerhouse and put so much money in the challengers, to reach this situation, well, what is more to prove.

And contrary to the nonsense, which I was debunking before the launch of these games in NA, and according to my beliefs before the launch of these games in NA or Europe, the West didn't fill the money hole that these games were. It's not magic either, I have very japanese tastes for several things, and my gut feelings are usually very accurate, or at least in line with japanese tastes.

Of course, putting its head in a hole like saying "Last time I checked, neither system have RPGs" won't change the fact that both Wii and PS3 have JRPG, and that at least Wii ones sold more than XB360 ones.

Like I and a lot of people thought, Lost Odyssey, being heavily "westernized" JRPG, flopped in Japan (especially given its production value), and sell better than the others in NA. Unfortunately, that's why I don't like this game, at all.


Saying that it's people that don't own the XB360 that prevent  XB360 owners from buying JRPG is plain silly, at best. Plucking its head in a hole by saying that XB360 has the best JRPG lineup is even more nonsense. Calling games on other systems crap based on nothing, oh except perhaps graphics (because you know, they're not HD graphics, like it's important in a JRPG), is fanboyish at best, especially when the games are not even released yet.

Surely to me, XB360 is far from having the best JRPG lineup. Very far! Perhaps that's a delusion that comes from the fact that XB360 had 1 year headstart, and heavily moneyhatted Mistwalker.

If you didn't realize, everything I said before related to JRPG and XB360 has come true. Even the fact that Mistwalker is now considered a poor brand for JRPG, they completely destroyed their brand. While a company like Level 5 can now sell most of its games on just its name.

I'm a JRPG gamer mostly, this is most of what I play, and the constant hyperbole surrounding XB360 nearly fooled me once (Trusty Bell), but it won't ever succeed to fool me. The writing is on the wall. This year, the Wii will take back the lead in JRPG numbers, just like I predicted. There are a ton of JRPG to be released on Wii and PS3 this year. The only lead XB360 had was thanks to its 1 year headstart.

Even ToV is on XB360 thanks to that, not because it is the best choice for this game. And yes, it makes me sad (well, not really, it's just for emphasis) to see a typically japanese game sent to die on a console whose owners don't care about the genre, when they're not just bashing it left and right.