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kanageddaamen said:
Regardless of what is considered virtuous, moral, or immoral, they are done so in the bible by command, rather than by self reflection, logical analysis and mutual interest in the betterment of the society in which we exist, all of which are completely disjointed from any religion. Morality only exists in a realm where there is the possibility of no punishment or no reward for your actions. Doing something good, or not doing something bad motivated by self interest is not morality. With an omniscient, omnipotent being, there is an ever fear of punishment and hope of reward, which nullifies any potential moral decision on the part of the individual. In which case, we a re back to obedience to what is commanded, or not.

You may try to split hairs and say it wasn't rape because it doesn't use the word rape, but that is what the passages mean. Numbers 31:18 is particularly blatant. "but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man"

Sorry, that is telling them to take the virgins as spoils, ie to have sex with. I don't think these rampaging savages were interested in reading poetry by a babbling brook. And this wasn't an abstract "what to do in war" this was a specific command for a specific instance.

But fine, I will allow that tap-dancery. Another act that is objectively immoral is slavery, which is commanded frequently in the bible too. Or the murder of innocent children, etc etc etc. These things are objectively immoral. They are wrong regardless of whom commands them.

Based on your modern view of things, you have these view of things.  About every culture on the planet ended up doing slavery.  A question you have to ask is, who exactly lead abolition movement around the world and how did it happen.    You may want to look into that:

You may also want to look up the history of William Wliberforce and how he got into the abolitionist business.  Thing is that you aren't going to end up find anything on the atheist side that manage to get anyone to suddenly be anti-slavery from that side, because atheism is a negation.

But, if you want to get into what the New Testament, you see the letters of Paul and others on what is demanded, where the issue of treatment is dealt with above all.