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The way I see it, Gears of War only had a few guys fighting in primarily tight areas throughout the entire game. Unless the field of play is suddenly largely expanded, I'm thinking that this whole "100 enemies" thing will just be you shooting at people as they run by while some will stop to distract you. A part of me even thinks that you'll just be trying to do stuff while laying low like sneaking under the street where all of these Locus will be running.

Or they will be in an event in which you see them off in a distance running from place to place and 8-10 will break off to attack you while you're moving on.

Still, I think it would be good if they can break away from the small environments and put much larger areas of combat into this game. I thought the part about the water was funny and my mind screamed Uncharted: Drakes Fortune to me (especially when the guy talked about driving something like a jetski). Yes, the meat cube and water ball were pretty cool.


Good, they're also adding some more physics... Using the chainsaw to break objects felt stupid as holding it next to a desk would result in only half of the desk suddenly bursing into blocks. Same thing for gibs, they would just explode into chunks and I'd be like "WTF...". It was also weird how you have the cutscenes with all of these great physic interactions such as the helicopter crashing into a building, but nothing even close to that in-game.