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mrstickball said:
Did you notice the fact they said that they aren't even working on a PS3 version?

So all of those that want ToV on PS3 should expect to wait absolutely no less than 6 months.

Eternal Sonata's US localisation wasn't too bad as far as I understand, so maybe ToV will be the same way. ToV is probably one of my most-anticipated titles for the year, as I will buy it day one, and so will my girlfriend's 8 year old niece that bought an Xbox 360 souly for Eternal Sonata.

And for those that whine about the X360 not being a good system for JRPGs: Prove otherwise. What RPG has been a massive succuess on either the Wii or PS3 thus far? Last time I checked, neither system have RPGs. It's people like ookaze that keep the X360 from selling JRPGs, as they're waiting for crap to come out on their blessed system rather than buying the system that *gasp* has the best lineup of RPGs, which is obviously the X360 right now.

None of the RPGs on PS3 or Wii hat are out now or will be out within the next few months are all that hyped. There are indeed a few high profile JRPGs for one system or the other that people for waiting for including White Knight Chronicles, Final Fantasy XIII, The Last Remnant(I know it is also for the Xbox360), and Tales of Symphonia sequel