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The Wii U has little to no chances of "selling well"?

No Wii Sports, no Wii Play, no Wii Fit, no 3D Mario, no Zelda, no Metroid, no Super Smash Bros., no Mario Party, no Animal Crossing and not even a Mario Kart title has arrived yet. And you are already certain that the Wii U has low chances of selling well?

That's nice, I guess.

I mean, if well means N64 numbers then it's possible. That's why I wrote "well" with quote marks. It's not like those franchises made the N64 or GC sell gangbusters. The Wii series is an uncertainty but we'll see.

And Vita also has chances of selling N64 numbers anyway.


What it comes down to is that we should stop fighting about these two beacuse they're both a disaster. Vita is a disaster. WiiU is a disaster.

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