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"There is a bit of a difference between dozens and a hundred, wouldn't you agree?"

Yes but there is not much difference between dozens on an old Pentium half a decade ago and hundreds on a modern 360/PS3.

"Also a bit of a difference between a strategy game and a third person shooter?"

Yes RTS games should have better AI .

"Is was my understanding that developers are not at present capable of writing an 'AI script?' for 100 seperate enemies that will work well"

Do you base this on anything? The thing is unlike graphics you cannot quantify AI. The "rules" the bots have will not be very computation expensive (normally) there will be bigger problems computing line of sight, way-finding etc. And there are always ways to make this more or less efficient. I am almost sure, that displaying 100 objects with thousands of polygons is much more expensive than computing normal AI interactions, but this of course depends on what you do. But I am pretty much sure that "is not possible" is wrong.