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Hideo Baba of the Tales of Series said something pretty interesting a few weeks/months ago

Developers didn't lose in quality or anything like that.
They lost their way and tried to conquer a market they don't belong to and their fans didn't want to see them in.
Developers,especially Japanese Developers need to stop to westernize everything and go back to the roots.

SquareEnix,Capcom and others are only doing so bad cause they abandoned their fanbase and where they came from.They tried to change everything their fans started to like them for to get the attention of 25 Million CoD Fans that don't care for anything else.

Gamers see and feel if a developer is genuine with what and for which community they create the stuff.
Sony and their studios can create so many new and different Games cause you see their developers really want to make them.
It's not "So guy - I don't care if you want to innovate - Turn Little Big Planet now into CoD and everyone will love us cause 25 Million are bigger than the few million LBP Fans"
This is what Capcom with Resident Evil and SquareEnix with Final Fantasy for example thought or rather their bosses.At SquareEnix we could see how Wada thought like that while their smart developers like Team Nomura didn't want to do that at all.
Why?Cause those 25 Million targets don't care but at the same time you lose most of your fans.

Solution :
Go back to your roots like Hideo Baba said.
Create the game you really want to make for the community that is hyped from the first moment you announce the game.

No industry crash is needed - Just change back where you where before the PS360 Gen.