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I play games with a 1080p projector on a 92" screen. It's worth the price of admission, great experience but not cheap if you want a quality setup. I paid about $2400 for a 1100 lumen home theater projector to get the best movie experience with another $800 for a good screen, plus replacement bulbs cost $350 every 2000 hours.
Games like GT5 and Wipeout HD are so much more immersive on a big screen. And all racing games and anything else with precision steering becomes a lot easier.

720p games take a little while to get accustomed to blown up to that size. Here the value of a good projector comes in, as I found out that leaving the upscaling to the projector gives much better results then letting the 360 upscale to 1080p. Dark Souls in a dark room with a field of view filling experience, time flies.

About Illumiroom. Obviously completely incompatible with my projector setup, the screen is surrounded by dark flat panel speakers and the walls themselves dark red, lined with black shelves filled with movies and games. No coffee table either. It's imcompatible with Kinect too (you're blocking the projector beam) and Move (distracting bright light waving in front of you)

Anyway the living room is for motion gaming. There Illumiroom could add something to my 52" tv. However you need a lot more light output projecting at 140" on walls and furniture. To keep it affordable you'll be stuck to powerful DLP projectors which I personally can't stand. (gives me weird flashes and that annoying rainbow effect)
I think it would be more distracting then fun in the long run. You're better of with a slightly better projector (no need to go all high end like I did) and enjoy a big screen experience with all games. Especially now 1080p gaming will become the standard rather then the exception.