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Darth Tigris said:
VGKing said:
Nsanity said:

"I really hope the exclusive rumors are false"

"Please come to PS4"

"please no xbox exclusive"

"I really hope its a myth your title will be exclusive to Microsoft"

"Really hope it is not Xbox exclusive. I was looking forward to supporting a great team"

"better now be exclusive -_- been waiting for your game and ill be upset if its just for Microsoft consoles"

"hope it comes to ps4. Bigger potential market and satisfy all your fans"

I don't see anything wrong here. Those people have every right to wan this game on their platform. It doen't make business sense to make it exclusive either. If EA/Respawn want this game to at least put up a fight against the likes of Call of Duty or Battlefield, it MUST be multi-platform. We've seen what timed-exclusivity does with games like Bioshock and Mass Effect. Considering the quality of these franchises, they don't sell very well. It's all because of poor business decisions made earlier in the generation. Bioshock Infinite should have sold double what it did at launch.

So do you feel the same about the timed exclusives announced for the PS4?

There are no timed-exclusives announced for PS4. Hell, there's no timed-exclusves announced for XBox 720. 
There was a similar rumor about the Destiny games and we saw how that turned out.

Although I would like to have timed-exclusive PS4 games, I know its unfair for the gamer community. The only way it is fair is in a Bayonetta 2 type of situation where the game would never have been made without partnerships. From what I understand from this rumor, the game was already a good amount of time in development only to be snatched up by Microsoft because they don't have enough 1st party content for launch.

Again, these are rumors so let's not get away from outselves. Kotaku isn't the most reliable of sources anyway.