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soccerdrew17 said:
only one person mentioned the giant elephant in the room:sony sony is my favorite dev. they are trying to be creative from every department. not just having a single genius do their work and everyone else just rehash stuff (it starts with an n). not saying that nintendo is bad, just sony is doing more for the gaming world overall. other than that there are too many that are great. listing my favorite is all i should do.

Team Ico is a specific Sony developer, by the way. They were mentioned on several people's list (including my own). I personally have zero interest in any other Sony game/developer, and it looks like lots of other people agree.

And I'd add that Sony isn't exactly the "elephant in the room." They may be big to you, but they aren't to everyone. On every list here, I think to myself: "How could they not include Valve?" But I recognize that it's personal taste. They're very big TO ME. Similarly, Sony is very big TO YOU. If there was a real, completely objective "elephant" to be named, it would be EA. Their profits, revenue, and games sold dwarf those of Sony. The only companies that come close are Nintendo and Activision.">">