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Lusche said:
Nem said:

Stop thinking Sony were innocent in all this, they werent. Sony pushed Monster Hunter into Nintendo's hands by the way they treated Capcom in the west. It will take time and a good reason for them to go back to a Sony system after Sony blocked MHP3 HD for PS3. The reason why MH3U came out on the Wii U is totally Sony's.

what excactly happend ?
i read somewhere the game was finished and almost translated to the western languages and sony said no ?

if they really said no capcom wasted a few $100k porting the game and never allowed to release it in the west ?
what was the reason for sony ? gamequality to low (even lower than shovelware) ? or other reasons ? 

SCA refused to allow this game in the west because:

1. It lacked Trophies

2. Companys aren´t allowed to release PSP-HD collections if they don´t contain at least 2 games

3. Sony refused to update the Ad-hoc software in the West (they use a different version in Japan) which would mean that Capcom would have to make significant changes to the code

....add a very helpful Nintendo to the mix:

1.They won every single handheld generation since they created the market

2.They were very, very supportive (Nintendo of Europe translates and publishes Monster Hunter, Nintendo paid for the marketing campaign, Nintendo pays for the Servers for MH3U/Vanilla 3)