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I've perfected my spider farm. I figured out a nearly flawless method of luring the spiders down. Basically, the tower spawns them, but that doesn't mean they fall. I could spend more time building it to have water traps to bring them down, but water traps entail a LOT more blocks, and I wasn't about to waste that many blocks.

So, instead, I have to have the spiders WANT to come down. The best way to do that is to be bait. So I built a ladder system up to a platform just below the spider tower. Problem there was that the spiders could then somehow manage to weasel their way onto my platform. You don't want them to be able to attack you. So I enclosed that platform with glass. Spiders can't touch me.

Now I'm considering expanding their fall one more block because I want them to be more easily killed.

But anyways, I just went in there and within five minutes had 13 spider eyes and 39 strings.
