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Kasz216 said:
Rab said:
Kasz216 said:

Here's the thing. I haven't done EXTENSIVE research on it, but the little research I've done has lead me to a fairly big conclusion.

"The rich only get richer when the economy is expanding."

It's worth noting, that although to the average person the whole "Top 1%" or whatever you want to call it look pretty static it actually varies WIDELY."

I'd cite 2008 where the gini coefficient actually SHRUNK during the crisis.

The rich primarily get richer by "outrunning" not "stealing".

So it doesn't really seem like an issue.

Honestly, the Rich haven't even been getting much richer recently to be honest. While the Gini Coefficent has rised since the 90's. It's risen for income of households, but NOT income of individuals.

What's created the great increase in wealth lately has mostly been an increasing trend for money to marry money. Not a real compound interest effect. Once women get "full" representation in the workforce at proper levels, the Gini coefficient likely may stabilize.


The rich are indeed getting richer, and forcing others into poverty

Below research on the subject

I see a video posted by a....

When i have specific hard fact numbers that specifically show that individual gini coefficent is down, and the gap increase between the rich and poor only exists when you account for households.


My guess is you don't really understand the difference between individual gini coefficent and household coefficent... and this is where the problem is resting.

No offence but did you watch the video, you should if your really interested in the subject, it has a ton of data that you could review