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The latest one I can think of is Uncharted. After coming from U2, they tried to focus more on multi-player than single-player for U3, then they went and gave it to Bend for the Vita and they didn't even incorporate it in. Then they make a card game about it..... WUT?? Sony needs to make that second studio at ND release their footage of U4 soon otherwise I will just give up on it like with the Jak series.

I also think that the transformers games have been a little mishandled with so much greatness from after War of Cybertron, High Moon made that movie tie-in game that sucked, then they had a total sales flop with Fall of Cybertron, and then released that weird transformers game based on the new TV show. I hope that they can revive this games series somehow.

I would say Tony Hawk as well, but that skateboard peripheral made babysitting easy.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls