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Dodece said:

Did someone forget to give you the memo? Thats like the dirtiest little secret of the console wars. That is like kryptonite to a Sony fanatic it saps their strength and steals their super human powers of perception. They are in complete denial on that particular subject. Yes Sony does that, and yes the way they do it makes Electronic Arts look like damned saints. Anyway if you bring it up the very statement seems to become a blank spot in their memory. They will ignore it entirely so I just don't even bother mentioning it anymore. That said its less about serving their library rather then double dipping for themselves. The same way that Nintendo does.

@Sky Render

I am thinking more along the lines of market expansion rather then market stagnation. These franchises need to get outside of their domestic markets and generate greater global appeal. Obviously its not a conservative way to do business, but then again you can return to conservative six months later with a port, and if its a success, and you establish a new customer base outside of your local market that is a powerful resource. Would be interesting to see if Microsoft can move the Tales series in North America.

Worse than EA? That's pretty harsh. Sony actually keeps development studios intact after purchasing them, and spurs a creative environment, allowing them to create games far superior to what they had been able to previously. It's because of Sony that Ninja Theory went from creating Kung Fu Chaos to creating Heavenly Sword, and it is because of Sony that Guerrilla Games now has the resources to create a game as visually stunning as Killzone 2 (and hopefully the gameplay will be similarly improved over it's predecessor). Is Sony doing this for their own personal gain? Hell yes, but it benefits the gamers and dev studios far more than anything EA does.

Also, you say that Sony fanboys tend to ignore the fact that Sony buys exclusives, yet you seem to be quite content to also ignore that fact to support your own arguments. Does that make you any better than the blind Sony fanboys?