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I love how the Xbox image is an augmented image to remove the actual branding on the box to justify the article.

Microsoft isn't "consumer electronics" brand, and certainly wasn't when the Xbox console was released. Therefore, it would make sense to promote/advertise the product brand over the corporate brand.

Sony, on the other hand is known as a consumer electronics company. Therefore, weight is (or was) carried with a product including the Sony brand name. In fact, most of Sony's consumer electronics products have only a corporate logo, not a product branding.

If it was IBM, not Microsoft making a console, would you think it would be smart for IBM, a company not known for consumer electronics, but rather business electronics, to release an IBM GS3750 console or have a brand name device called the Warp console? The latter would justifiably do better in consumer's eyes simply because it's catchier and more exciting than the GS3750 (Yes, IBM product naming is that exciting).