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"Plus I remember Cell saying that he's so powerful that he can destroy this whole Solar System.....or did he say this whole galaxy?

That was the Cell Saga.

Goku in DBZ Buu Saga can destroy Superman easily."

It was the Solar System, he said he had enough Chi to blow away the entire Solar System which is obviously what was going to happen if his Kamehameha won over Gohans.

Bills from the new movie was said to be able to destroy an entire galaxy.

It's something that Goku would do because it would doom everyone on earth but he could easily destroy the Sun robbing Superman of all his powers then simply kill him instantly. Of course that's not in his nature to do such a thing but he could win that way.

Theres very few characters in fiction that could withstand a blast that would eradicate an entire planet let alone a Solar system and SSJ3 Goku would be vastly more powerful.

The new Super Saiyan God Goku could possibly destroy a Galaxy.