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If i were the head of sony's entertainment DP this is what id do assuming it was possible.

-40 gig ps3- 50 dollar pricedrop reason being to increase adoption rates of bluray and to get more consoles in the consumers hands.

-80 gig- Drop it like its hot and announce a new and improved model in the near future.

-Give the release date for Home, drop hints that the pstore will get a make over and for shits and giggles say that if you go update your ps3 you will have in game XMB. (since most updates for ps3 happen on thursdays right?)

-Maybe show off a trailer for the new team ico game, trailer for war devil, trailer for resistance 2, announce new ip?

Although my expectations are extremely lofty, if they did something to that extent i think itd be a big deal and theyd get alot of positive press.