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That seems a bit too optimistic. Even with a the rise in sales, around 15 million in 10.5 months is a stretch.

Let's do the math. It sold just under 180k worldwide this week. So minimum for this would be 180k times 42 weeks, totaling 7,56,000 units.

Of course that number is likely to double from September to December (at least averaging out to doubling). So we have (180,000x26) + (360,000x16) = 4,680,000 + 5,760,000 = 10,440,000.

So beating out the GC is likely (assuming the PS3 gets Tretton's hoped-for 10% boost), but it would take a huge boost to beat the Xbox by then.

It could happen, but it's not likely under the current circumstances.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs