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Have now put in an automatic cactus farm and an automatic smoothstone generator.

The automatic cactus farm both harvests and collects the cacti automatically - the cacti are rigged to pop as soon as they grow up, then there is a water section below it that carries all of the cacti to a central location. Then, AT that central location, there is a hopper and a chest. The cacti float over the hopper, which then collects them up and loads them into the chest. All I have to do is come by occasionally and collect them. I may be building something like this as a replacement for a bunch of my farms, using pistons to pop them and water to collect the produce to the hopper.

The smoothstone generator is because cobblestone doesn't mine as fast as smoothstone. It operates by first using pistons to push a stack of smoothstone into the sky, then push another stack outward. I'm planning on putting in more pistons to push every single of the outward blocks into the sky, so it'll be 144 total smoothstone blocks when fully generated. And I built two of them, so actually 288.
