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Einsam_Delphin said:
_crazy_man_ said:
echoesfromthepast said:
_crazy_man_ said:
echoesfromthepast said:
_crazy_man_ said:
echoesfromthepast said:
_crazy_man_ said:
echoesfromthepast said:
I want to start a new playthrough but i want to make sure I optimize the children. What do you guys think of my lucina build?

Chrom x Olivia - Inigo, Lucina - Lethality, Astra, Galeforce, Swordfaire, Aether

Astra AND Lethality AND Aether?  Waste.  Plus Indigo can't learn Aether, Chrom only passes Rightful King to sons, Aether to daughters.

Lucina - Aether, Rightful King, Vantage, Aegis, Swordfaire

Indigo - Sol, Rightful King, Vantage, Armshift, Swordfaire/Axefaire


Thanks for the input - those look like good builds - I mainly want a team that will beat my friend who literally grinded for 150 hours to create and unbeatable streetpass team

Does his team use limit breaker?  If so you can replace any of the faire skills with Limit Breaker.

Neither of us have that DLC yet but if he gets it then I'll be forced to

Hopefully not, Limit Breaker is boring....

does it ruin the game?

Only one DLC is it REQUIRED TO HAVE LIMIT BREAKER if you gonna be it.

Otherwise it trivalizes the game as much as Sorcerors with Vantage/Vengence/Armshift and carry forged Aversa's Night.

Hey, not everyone's brain is the same as yours! Sure some people might not find it fun, but then there's other peoples who do. For instance I like to, as you say, trivalize games after beating it if possible, a.k.a. using guides and cheat codes n stuff like that. Besides, going back to Awakening, one would've probably already trivalized the game/beatin it by the time you can get and make use of Limit Break.

Yea by the time your strong enough to get Limit Breaker you can probably already beat the game on whatever difficulty your on, even Lunatic.

Havne't beaten lunatic+ yet, but I beat Lunatic before I ever got the Limit Breaker skill.

Limit Breaker is just kind of like getting the Ultimate Weapon maxed or getting yoru character to lvl 200 or something, even though you can beat the game at lvl 60.