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Otakumegane said:
Thank god you've returned.

You're one of the reasonable dudes. Lets Recap.
-Iwata got Promoted.
-No price cut yet for Sony on PSVITA
-PS4 news and a lot of it.
-Adam Orth "Deal with it" on Nextbox's always-online.
-3DS games. A lot of 3DS games. Not even kidding I can't even buy all of them I want.
-Nintendo's skipping E3
-$99 dollars 360 without a disk drive
Think I hit all major points.

On the Chartz side
-M.U.G.E.N got permabanned in a fight against Micheal
-Ethomaz is gone for a while and so is Ninjablade. (Finally)
-Galaki made a sexist comment and women flipped stuff.
-Lots of bans from the Nintendo doom threads.
-Tbone is strangely absent.
-COMG will get a new thread soon. Boutros is thinking about it.
-ioi doesn't care about the tracking anymore or something. It has been horrible as of late.

That's it?

Nintendo is not skipping E3.