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Well, since other people are doing it, I'll list my Vita plans for the upcoming year.

I have the PS3 version of Ratchet & Clank: Q Force so I'll be downloading the Vita version as soon as it comes available.

I will be buying Jak & Daxter Collection as soon as it releases in June (or, if it releases during my exams, as soon as my exams are over). I will be buying Tearaway day 1 when it releases in October; and I will be buying Terraria day 1... whenever it releases.

I may pick up Epic Mickey 2 once it's about £15 and depending what they fix from the console versions. I'd like to play Muramasa & Ys, but I'll be waiting to see if they get announced for a European release before importing them if there isn't one.

If Sly Collection & Rayman Legends for Vita turn out to be true, I'll be buying them (once the price is right). In fact, there's a few other games scattered in there which I'll buy for the right price.

So yeah. Not a mind-blowing year for Vita games, but plenty to keep me happy.