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I'm confused. People on these forums have been blasting Nintendo is doomed and should switch to software only. That Nintendo needs to do something to keep third parties making games for their systems and to lock up key titles as exclusives. Mind you these comments range from nintendrones to sonytrolls. Now when Nintendo goes out and makes a huge ay such as lock up monster hunter for their 3ds or pay to develop and publish bayonetta 2 Sony and Microsoft fans go bonkers. O crapcom this crapcom that... What if there was only a vita version? It wouldn't be crapcom anymore because it would benifit sony's platform. You people are so contradicting its just ridiculous. Grow up and deal with it. You laugh every time Nintendo doesn't get a port of an upcoming game yet cry for this please. Me personally I'm glad vita won't get this title even if it's a delayed release.

Instead of complaining about exclusivity why not just buy a 3ds and mh4 and play the game you are so upset about?

There are more than enough games to justify a 140$ few 3ds or 180$ for the XL.