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huiii said:
echoesfromthepast said:
huiii said:

You shouldn't have. He obviously came into this thread just to say "vita has no games" no matter what. No use arguing with these people.

Not true - competition inspires innovation so I want Sony to succeed. I just came here to check what Vita had for 2013



Alright. My bad, it just sounded like the usual "vita has no games trololololo" every Vita thread gets and i'm sort of fed up with that.
I'm guessing by the wiiu in your signature you can sort of relate to that...


Anyway OT:

here ist wat i want from that list. I'm definitely getting:

-Soul Sacrifice
-FF X HD (and probably X-2)
-Ys: celcetta

most likely day one for all of them.
I'm also getting invizimals but that might be further down the line (depending on price and my backlog).

Then there is some mabys that i'll have to see more of but i'm interested in.

-Kickbeat (if it's cheap enought)
-jacob jones and the bigfoot mystery (interested to see some gameplay of this one)
-Malicious (i've got it on the ps3 and liked it but i still don't know if this is a new game or a port)
-Open me (depends if my friend that also has a vita wants to play this with me, and price of course)
-Teraria (depending on price)


I'll most likely get Mind=0 if it gets localized since it seems very persana-y. 
Also intrested in the new AC game (if exists) but the franchise has gotten a bit stale, so i'll have to see on that.
I'm not gonna buy RO Ace since i already have the original game but if they release the additional content as dlc i might get it.



Ok this has gotten quite long so i'll end it here.

Oh I can relate! So I know exactly how it feels - I'll be more careful with my thoughts in the future so I don't seem like a trololol - Vita and Wii U get too much hate around here (and the internet in general)

Games can and should tell stories and share ideas through their mechanics. This is the intrinsic element of the medium and this is how experiences should be crafted in video games. No company does this as well as Nintendo and their echoes from the past.
  Aurum Ring  Delano7  Ocarinahero032