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Goatseye said:
Hynad said:
Goatseye said:
What do people remember about PS4 announcement? A polished game... what else? No hardware specs, a already seen, probably old technology by May 21st, Kinect look alike, a controller that adds social features and touchpad. What was there to be blown away and make MS delay their presentation?

I think vociferous Sony fans are more excited about their product than the company itself. Since the announcement Sony just came out officially to discuss the controller. But websites like N4G has been talking about infinite possibilities that probably not even Sony has imagined. And on the course the Sony fans have been taking shots at MS and Nintendo, "sentencing" their fate although one haven't revealed their product and the other one product is still in its infancy.
Some people live in their bubbles and I hope their world "burst" May 21st.

That kind of comment has always been funny to me.  People making those kind of claims don't even get the irony of their own comments even when pointed at it.

Can you explain what's ironic there?

While Hynad pointed something else out about your comment, I found this quite funny: "No hardware specs, a already seen, probably old technology by May 21st, Kinect look alike, a controller that adds social features and touchpad."

No hardware specs?  Then how do we know what type of CPU and RAM is in the console?  True, they didn't go into great detail about the GPU, but that will come later.  We still got a good overall understanding of the HW.

Kinect look alike?  Yes, they do look somewhat similar.  I suppose anything with 2 cameras would look similar to the Kinect.  However, this is just a natural evolution of the PS Eye, which released several years before the Kinect.  And that was just a natural evolution of the EyeToy, which launched on the PS2.  They, of course, use completely different tech to pull off similar goals.

A controller that adds social features and a touchpad?  This is a pretty silly complaint.  Especially since MS is said to be focusing even more on social features next gen.  While they may not have a Share button, you can bet you're going to be accessing similar features with your NeXbox controller.  And considering the touchpad is mostly going to be used for navigation, as opposed to being shoehorned into games, there's nothing wrong with its inclusion.

And I saved the best for last.  An already seen, old technology by May 21st?  I hope you're aren't going to consider the NeXbox's HW to be state of the art.  Especially since most, if not all, rumors are pointing to it being slightly weaker than the PS4.  I guess that also makes it "a(n) already seen, probably old technology by May 21st."


@ OP

It's pretty obvious that this has affected MS's plans.  I believe originally they were going to reveal it at E3, hence the countdown clock.  However, after the Feb 20th reveal of the PS4, we started getting rumors that they would now reveal it in late April.  That got pushed back to early-late May, most likely because MS felt a need to not just match the PS4 reveal, but outdo it.  This will most likely just pertain to a few larger game reveals, as well as showing the console casing.  The fact that they settled on May 21st reveals a lot.  They weren't ready to reveal it a couple of months ago, but they still feel the need to get out an announcement before E3.  Even if that reveal is a mere 2 weeks before E3. 

I do think it would be hilarious if Sony has another reveal a couple days before or after (before would probably be better), to reveal some larger launch titles, as well as the console design.  This would take a lot of thunder from the NeXbox reveal.  Especially if some of the more negative rumors for the NeXbox turn out to be true.