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FJ-Warez said:
Machines, (In this case computers) no matter how fast they are, they are still dumb machines, they need routines to perform some task... maybe they are going to excel in some cases, but IA is very young to believe that in some moment(10-20 years) a machine will be smarter than a human been...

 I won't say dates for a human-like thinking things made by humans, but last year I was working with neural networks, everything works in your brain with weights and probabilitys that can reprogram thenselves to give better answers over the time for some question (we learn...). You can simulate it with binary-based computers, but you need A LOT of horsepower and it is not the same.

Quantum computers are supossed to work exactly in the same way brains do, but a lot faster, so you can make a "real brain processor" that can learn and creat stuff using it. Maybe we won't need a game developer or a human player in 100 years, hehehe...

 The problem with quantum computers, like with humans, is that they are not 100% trustfull, so for exact things like phisic I bet we can make it as the real one using binary computers (that are precise), let only the IA and some random and creative stuff for the quantuns...