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forevercloud3000 said:
zorg1000 said:
Looks like a pretty solid line up to me, not sure if any r system sellers but at least it should make ppl who already own or planning to get a Vita happy.

"System Seller" is such a loaded statement when it comes to finding the right game for the Vita (or any PS console for that matter). Nintendo has pure pedigree on Sony in the handheld space, and most of their system sellers are 1st Party titles. If Sony can't get Pokemon or Mario what are system Sellers for them? There is FF for sure, as well as Monster Hunter. Yet both Companies seem content with screwing Sony every way possible and blatantly not accepting potential sales from Sony Platform (even tho both have a history of doing very well on PS consoles).

Vita doesn't really have a game problem, it has an image problem. Just like the PS3 before it, people are so ready to dismiss all things Vita by saying "Vita has no games, Sony should support it more, etc" When as you can see, there is a hefty amount of games of all types out or already coming. I have been almost entirely satisfied with what the Vita has offered so far. My only gripes at the moment is it needs cheaper and bigger MemCards because I want to be able to have more games with me at once than I already do. I have virtually stop gaming on console and prefer it on Vita now.

I agree with you, Vita doesnt seem to have one special game to make somebody buy it but it has a solid library of games. Some potential system sellers tho could be an exclusive Final Fantasy, GTA, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear, God of War (basically the games that sold PSP). I believe it could see a decent turn around If It cuts its price to $200 In sept when Killzone/Tearaway release, then AC/COD and 1surprise 1st party title for the holiday. 

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.