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There is only one possible way that Nintendo would up the production that far, and not all in one jump, but to have 4.1M being produced a month at the end of the year.

1.8M a month isn't cutting it. Too much having to shift around from one place to another. Another .6M to get up to 2.4M would not be out of the question. And while it wouldn't be done yet, going thru one more holiday without sufficient supplies would be riduculous. .7M a month in July say, to stockpile for the holidays, allowing for 4.2M extra then. But that is still only 3.1M a month. Why go to 4.1M then?

If, and a big if, they go into China, Korea, and elsewhere, then perhaps John could be right. 1M a month for those places, yielding 4.1M a month in production needed.

Will they actually go that high? Probably not. Why? Their own nature and being able to secure more than double the supplies to make the item, and reliable manufactures in China to produce them.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.