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FrancisNobleman said:
All the haters voting the gamepad does not interested them, would sing a different tune if sony or microsoft came up with a rip off, like how they trashed the wiimote and all of a sudden motion controls were the "future".

The only majority I've seen saying that motion control was the future were Wii fans.  Few PS360 fans even like the Kinect and Move, much less have said they were the future of gaming.

The Wii U is as much the future of gaming as the DS because that's exactly what the Wii U is.  A consolized DS without the software.  I really like the DS and 3DS, but it's a fact that the second screen on 99.9% of all DS and 3DS games has displayed nothing butt a map, status, or inventory screen.  There is the extremely rare game that has actually put the DS to good use and used the full screen meaningfully.  Feel the Magic, Rub Rabbits, Contra 4, and Lunar Dragon Song are the only ones I can think of that actually utilized the extra screen rather than being the usual map, inventory, status screen.

The Wii U pad has been shown to be the same as the 3DS' second screen.  So far, almost every game released has used it as a map, inventory screen, status screen, or an accumulation of them.  There's the off screen play using the Wii U pad which is a nice feature, but most people probably will have an available television for use, and if anyone wants to take their system with them to a friends home, they'll more than likely bring one of their portable devices and/or games from consoles their friends already own.