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dschumm said:
darendt said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

I believe I will hit the Lotto......doesnt mean its gonna happen. He is running for PResident of a country. He has no experience what so ever. Companies wouldnt even hire him as a CEO due to his lack of experience. Why should he be President again? Because he says what people want to hear. I can run and say I will make it rain 100 dollar bills for 4 years, it doesnt mean that I would be able to accomplish it. Bottom line is that he is getting most of the black vote because he is 1/10th black. I still cant understand however with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama, we are even considering a nomination. We get one executed then put one in office......genious.

So my muslim boss warned me that too many americans were racist or bigots or idiots to elect someone who has any non-christian connections, and be anything other than a white man. I assured him that america was moving on, that people were more vested in this election than ever and all of this additional primary process is a good thing. I guess anchors like you will forever doom our nation to ignoronat mediocrity.

 This forum is unbelievable. How about reading what actually written. Dont inject what your take is on what is actually written. Where did it say I would not vote anyone of color into office?  My point was that with this redneck country I live in, it is amazing that "we" are entertaining the idea of someone with the name Hussein could be president. I could care less what his name is, or what color he is. The fact that he is getting the majority of the black vote is because he is part black. That is the truth. Nothing Racist about it. As for you christ comment......I am an Athiest. So I would prefer no religious connections at all.  I feel that its a breeding ground for dissent among people. Nothing good comes from religion.