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darendt said:

Ok Grammer police!!......You can spit George Bush mistakes all you like. He is an idiot. I hope you are happy with your job, I am sure there is security in it since no one would want it. As for where I was educated, it doesnt matter since I am not running for President. To be quite honest though, I dont care how much formal education he has. It doesnt matter. Im not sure where you read that I was for MCcain though. I guess thats your Journalistic instincs kicking your job security.......I wouldnt vote for any of the Republican candidates. Hillary may end up with my vote, but Edwards is who I wanted to win. You have however solidified my original point. Bush had no experience and look what he did to our country. Obama has admitted to using Cocaine and Marajuana as a teenager to "push questions of who I was out of my mind". So again, what was your point?

 Oh and the racist retaliates so how will Madskillz respond?