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Username2324 said:
There are two kinds of Camping my friend, camping out on the map, and spawn camping, spawn camping by all means is wrong, and a sissu tactic, but normal camping is not.

If you're too stupid to be able to figure out how to get them that's your problem, I mean, if you were in a real war would you be like "Oh I shouldn't camp it's not fair to them" hell no!

People who hate campers are just too dumb to try it themselves, and too dumb to figure out how to get the camper pissing them off.

But yes, spawn camping is extremely annoying and dumb.

I'll add something to that... Counter-objective camping is also bullshit.

We've all seen it... Some asshat camping an area that has nothing to do with his objective or leaves his team wide open to die from a flank... That is also wrong.

In fact, there are very few acceptable reasons to camp unless you're covering a flank or protecting an objective. Otherwise, you're just a dick and the rest of your team probably despises you.

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