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overrated: xenoblade; glad im not the only one, but i just found the game to be a snoozefest, i could only get like 2 hours in.

Crysis2 no game with that much glitches should get the praise it does

No More Heroes boring just boring, it was like the FF13 of hack and slash games, at least 13 was pretty to look at

Conduit1 this was more overhyped, but people came to their senses. Didnt help that Eurocom put out GE that year and showed those HVS noobs how to do it.

Mario Kart Wii felt like a party game on wheels

Wii Sports it got boring after five days.

underrated: Red Steel 2 this was the game that i envisioned when i first saw Wii. IMHO Ubisoft made the best use of motion controls in a core game on the system, at least in terms of combat, yes better than Zelda SS

TWEWY best game on the system IMHO

Sonic &Sega all stars both of them, the first was good but the 2nd, gots to be the best Kart racer this gen.

Tales of Graces f I thought it needed more love

DJ Hero one of the freshest music games made, too bad people were tired.

HoTD overill, so nice i bought it twice (WII,PS3)