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RolStoppable said:
So they managed to make a profit based on dumb luck, after all. No second year in a row with a loss.

Their projected $1 billion profit is quite a lofty goal though. Either they have a packed release schedule for the Wii U or they are insane. It's probably the latter and they are overestimating the impact certain software titles will have, namely those that are going to release in spring and summer. This will subsequently lead to an unavoidable price cut for the Wii U and their projected profit gets cut in half or worse.

If one looks at their financial statement, they have an insane amount of inventories. As a result, I believe the projected 5.5 million Wii U's Iwata laid out at the begining of the year are already manufactured; hence, the big loss this past quarter as the costs far exceeded the sales. They sacrificed Q4 in order to have a good year. But yes, they posted a net profit due to currency exchange gains - they got lucky big time.