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Soo, I know Maxwell said that he didn't know the store prizes and the site doesn't list them, but does anyone else even have a clue?

I ask because right now I have a Gamestop a few blocks from my house I can just walk to. I was pretty good at Melee so I figure I may have a shot at at least winning the store. I'm not good to advance any further, but it would be cool.

The catch is that my brother who lives 2 hours from me has a Wii, but I do not. I am going to buy a Wii in a few months when I have the money, but there is no way I can now. If the store prize is good enough I will go and peorder it and just buy SSBB months before I can even play it. If the prize were a free copy of SSBB I would be totally in. Not sure that would do something that cool though.

Who thinks I should go for it, knowing that I could beat everyone I knew in college, but could never beat anyone in a serious tournament? If it's all 13 y.o. kids who didn't play Smash I would have a chance.