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Asriel said:

The North isn't interested in launching a full scale war. The regime in Pyongyang know this would be suicidal. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of innocent people would die, but ultimately the US and South Korea would prevail. Their training and equipment gives them a huge advantage over the poorly equipped, poorly trained, under-fed and poorly maintained army the North commands. It wouldn't be an easy war, but the US and South together would win.

Despite of how often I read this I never really understood on what premise this opinion is based?

Just above we've discussed the sad situation with TNWs ammunition in US Army (smth like ~500 warheads), which makes it pretty much impossible for the US and South Korea to win in any large-scale land operation against DPRK on DPRK terriotory by conventional means with acceptable losses (say, less than first Korean War). Of course, there's always an option of US strategic munitions, but this's like shooting sparrows with a cannon.