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first off I run Windows Vista on my laptop with the latest updates and is supposedly immune to viruses right now..
This morning I was happily playing some WCIII when suddenly my screen shut off.
Well it turned on again after a few seconds, and I continued playing but 5 mins later it shuts off again, and I get a blue screen.
after which everytime I try to turn it on normally and log in, I get a lot of noise(looks like white noise but with different colors) and my PC freezes without even displaying my desktop(tried restarting amnually about 5 times, and the same thing happens everytime I reach the log in page). I boot through safe mode, and i get through the log in page, I try to back up my files but a few minutes later the same thing happens again.

after which I try recovery mode to factory default settings using boot CD's I got when I first bought my laptop, So I boot through CD then I get hit by the noise again and my pc freezes.
After the reinstall, the pc says "please wait while we run windows for the first time" and asks for registration info, I comply and start typing when suddenly I get the same noise all over again.

after another restart, my pc seems to be working well, Im installing my games again right now.
im already about an hour and a half in.

My question is, Is this a hardware problem?
thanks for any input. ^^

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