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I'm seeing a couple of conclusions and thoughts that some people are leaping to are quite off.

1. The whole "just use the phone" argument is purely based on what you're personal opinion is. Whenever I'm given the chance to order food I either do it online or go to the restaurant to order and carryout. I don't know why but phone calls are my least favorite way of communication and I try to avoid them if at all possible. And I know I'm not the only one who thinks that way (although I know I'm in the minority here).

2. Many of you are assuming that MS invested in this Pizza Hut app. In reality that is very unlikely. If anything, Pizza Hut paid for that right since they benefit more from it. Although I'm fairly certain it was a mutual agreement type situation. So if you think MS used money that could have gone to "games" you are jumping to an extreme conclusion. Even in the very unlikely off chance that they did pay for this, I can assure you it would have been a small amount.

3. Why are some of you making this into such a big deal when in reality it's a non-issue. There are no negatives with this app. You either use it or you don't.

4. Pizza Hut isn't always bad. Granted the majority of the Pizza Huts I've been to have been terrible to average. There have been a few that are amazing. My local pizza hut actually makes some of the best food I've ever eaten. It really just depends on how skilled the cook is.

Let's be honest, if you're using this specific app as a way to start some console wars BS or slag Microsoft, then you really are showing how insecure and/or brainwashed you are.

On a side note why does Pizza Hut say that 18-24 year old's are their "hard to get" market? I'm fairly certain the exact opposite is true.