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Well ,its clear I coulndt do it perfectly as we dont have canadian data and its about impossible to make a good ration between budget/full price games on the Wii specially .

But I calculated Wii games at 50 not 60 once I did the Wii math .

And took in count the 10% due to canadian data .

But I think this way can be explored though .We have Wii Play sales ,GHIII sales ,Rock Band sales and prices after all.And Wii Sports ,and bundled software are easy to take apart  .Budget games is more tricky thats true .I wont spend more time in this but correctly done it could give us very accurate numbers .

Kasz216 ,thats exactly the point .PS3 owners are buying more games as they are hardcore gamers thats why the ratio is better .So no more about "people buying PS3 for the Blu Ray player and dont buy games " please .