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Gaming Discussion - CoD 5? - View Post

kirby007 said:
rocketpig said:
kirby007 said:
sc94597 said:
Does anybody know any WWI games? I don't think there are too many.

yeah call of duty 5 : the trench war

kill more germans and even austrians and italians

The trenchfoot mini-games could be a lot of fun. Avoiding mustard gas would be cool, too.

mini-games in a fps? the only thing what i do in fps is kill, kill and kill some more

Uh, I was being sarcastic.

Did you think I was serious about a trenchfoot mini-game? Beat the mini-game or your f***ing foot falls off! Game over, man! GAMMMMMEEE OOOOOVVVVERRRRRRRR!!!! 

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