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BenVTrigger said:
Marucha said:
BenVTrigger said:
Carl2291 said:
Ben youre completely missing the point.

Just because you or I may not get offended, doesnt mean other people dont get offended.

No Im not the users in this thread are.

The job of a mod isnt to prevent individuals from being offended.  Their job is to ensure no overt attacks are used towards specific people, specific groups, or posts that show things universally agrred as inapropriate such as graphic images.

The post that is specifically mentioned does none of these things.  It was simply a play on words.  Its not a mods job to care if an individual is offended by it

The reason they need to quickly stop overt attacks (which I don't think they do well either) is because it is highly offensive. You do realize, you have basically legitamized stealth trolling by saying "Well, as long as it's not obvious and it's just a 'joke'..."

Yeah, I can make a dozen jokes and know they offend someone and avoid the filter. People get banned for jokes on this site too in fact, so actually... what is your point actually?

My point is your trying to argue for cencorship because your offended by something.  That is rediculous.  I didnt even find his joke funny but to make a thread complaining about people making jokes is a bigger problem than anything he said.

Had he made a statement that said "No ones wants to be around women when they have PMS because they act like bitches" I would have been first in line to say he deserved to be banned.  But he said nothing like that.  Be careful to argue for people being cencored for small things, because the next thing you know you wake up one day not being allowed to say anything at all.

I understand your point. However, there are other issues than just overt offenses. I do not agree with censorship or that the moderation should simply negate every single comment that is offensive *laughs*... I have never said that.

I have simply pointed out there are trends here are growing quickly and many have pointed out as well (erring on the side of intolerance). I am fine with a joke every once in a while, in fact, there are many that are tastefully done... however, the message is being sent that as long as you are under the radar, it's acceptable. You do realize, this is not really an issue for you because you're not female and oftentimes, you're probably smart enough to stay in a position it does not become a problem for you... for us girls, just stating we are females, opens up us to the problem and I suspect that for many others following an unpopular mode of thinking, this is pretty much all the same.

Ideally, I think the mods should at least be able to see the users as a group, recognize where a trend that is growing and just do what is right and act on it. I'm not asking for a whole lot more... I am criticizing the actual "moderation" though of not deleting comments... lol I'm really assuming it has to do with transparency, but I think that anyone can bear witness to a bad moderation without actually needing to leave it up as actual proof. It doesn't actually help keep the standard, it encourages stealth trolling and people to be submissive to the thin line between banned and not... I've witnessed many people laugh and do it for amusement, things to purposely get banned to make a point... they could care less and it acts as a trophy for them to keep it still there.