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ethomaz said:
zero129 said:

Are you telling me Uncharted 3 didnt have a playable demo at e3?? and we all know Uncharted cutscenes use the in game engine with some extra effects added so why was the a need to downgrade the Graphics?? anyway it still proves my point lots of games have looked better before release in both video and so called playable form.

I'm saying the U3 video showed at E3 was rendered at cutscene engine, not playable... ND itself confirmed that. The final game have both the cutscene graphics in some parts and the ingame graphics in another.

These screen compare a ingame part that ND rendered in the cutscene engine to show at E3 in the video form.

This is the cutscene engine running in PS3 in the final version of the game.

Who gives a flying F*ck

Would have mattered if FF13 had graphics as good as as a game 100 years into the future will have.  The game would have still sucked.


edit:  oh and don't you love how a developer touts a cutscene as using "in game graphics" yet those graphics are tweaked during those cutscenes.  Not so in-game now are they.